Sunday 27 February 2011

Two Weeks to go...

Only two weeks to go.  John, Becky, Hannah and Julian were out at Burrator Reservoir this morning.  All completed 5 laps of the perimeter road, running just under 20miles in the process.  The four Bears were joined by members of TACs (Tavistock Athletics) and BATs (Bere Alston Trekkers) training for the London Marathon, the Duchy 20 and the Tavy 13 among other events.

Next week, Team Grizzly Bears will be taking part in the Bideford half marathon.  This will be the final big training event before The Grizzly itself, on 13 March.

Monday 21 February 2011

Grizzly Bears play hard in 10 mile races (Sunday 20 February)

As an alternative to the Sunday training run, Derek, Becky and Nicole ran in the "Oh My Obelisk" and Plymouth Hoe 10 mile runs.  Well done to all three for acheiving good times in the off-road Obelsik and on-road Plymouth Race. 

Sunday 20 February 2011

12 Across and 2 Down ( a run across Foggy, Boggy & Soggy Dartmoor)

The Grizzly Three ready to go!
Three Grizzly Bears (Hugh, Dotty and Julian) joined the Dartmoor Search and Rescue Team (Plymouth)'s 12 Across - 2 Down, walking / running event. (Click here for the DSRT Plymouth Home Page.)

Although the event is aimed at walkers, they're all a very friendly bunch and made us runners feel at home; even if we're considered a bit barmy.

The route follows a stretch of the Maltern Way, an ancient track from Buckfast Abbey to Buckland Abbey.  The Maltern Way is marked by a series of stone crosses. 

Today's efforts saw us running across Dartmoor from Venford Reservoir to Crazy Well Pool, thence to Princetown School to finish.  

We are proud of the fact that Team Grizzly were the first team home.  Mummy Bear (Dotty) is to be congratulated as the first to arrive at the final checkpoint.

There was no official timekeeping, but we recorded an "unofficial" time of 2:26 for the 12 mile route.  Conditions were hard, with a Dartmoor Fog keeping visibility down to 15 metres.  Accurate navigation was a priority. We avoided most of the bogs, including Fox Tor mire (Grimpen Mire for those Sherlock Holmes aficionados among you).  However, mud was knee deep at times and the water at the Hartor Brook was cold on the legs as we waded through.

The Grizzly Three at Childe's Tomb
Half-way around the route, we arrived at Childe's tomb.  This marks the kistvaen (burial chamber) resting place of Childe, a huntsman who lived in the 11th century.  He became disorientated in foul weather on the Moor, and knew he could die of exposure.  Sadly, despite killing and drawing his horse, into which he climbed for protection, he still died.  A ghostly tale for a ghostly day. Click here to see more about Childes Tomb!

We would like to thank DSRT (Plymouth) for staging the event.  The cup of tea at the finish was most welcome!


Sunday 13 February 2011

Muddy Sunday on the Bere Peninsula

With only four weeks to go until the Grizzly, five of the bears were out on the Bere Peninsula today.  Nicole, Derek, Julian, Dotty and Becky, covered sixteen and a half wet and muddy miles.  The route took the runners over footpaths and trails around Bere Alston and Bere Ferrers.  In spite of the damp conditions, and a total climb of over 2,300 feet (!) the five achieved a running time of around three hours.

Sunday 6 February 2011

Burrator Sunday - On and Off Road

Team Grizzly's Sunday run saw some of the Bears running laps of Burrator Reservoir, to build up longer distance stamina.  Others tackled a 10-mile off road run to Nun's Cross, Eylesbarrow and Sheeps Tor.  Running into the prevailing south westerly head wind added to the route's difficulty.