Monday 28 March 2011

They think its all over... Friday 25 March

So, who would have thought it?

Grizzly runners out on the road again.  Derek and Julian joined Dotty and runners training for the London Marathon, for a long (19 mile) Friday afternoon run!    

Tuesday 15 March 2011


Team Grizzly ready to go
Firstly, thank you to all who have followed Team Grizzly over the last few months. Your support and encouragement has meant a lot. 

So, we did it. The Grizzly, "Valley of The Bogs" 2011.  Described by the Axe Valley Runners as "Twentyish muddy, hilly, boggy, beachy miles of the multiest-terrain running experience you will find this side of the end of time":  This is no exaggeration!
The Grizzly Mud

The course was the hardest yet for the Grizzly event. The route took us along shingle beach, cliff paths, woodland, thigh deep bogs, farmland, river crossings, private gardens and through the front of a pub!  Encouraged by musicians and entertainers playing and performing all along the route.  


So what highlights then?  
  • Dotty's disappearance into a bog only to emerge with mud appearing in places mud just shouldn't reach
  • Hannah's slippery exit from the bog at mile 15
Becky striding forth
  • Julian stopping at a water station then joining a folk band for a quick tune
  • Becky's champion off-road performance
  • Finish and hose down by the fire brigade!
    Dotty nearing the end

    All in all a completely bonkers run...

    Sadly, two of the original eleven runners were unable to join us.  But, nine of the Grizzly Bears completed the race, with respectable finishing times.
    Ben Wilcox             5:00:14
    Derek Hicks           4:55:24
    Dotty Allan             4:18:57
    Hannah Colston      4:20:49
    Jim Davis               4:36:58
    John Bills                4:25:42

    Julian Setterington   4:24:40
    Martyn Williams     4:49:20
    Rebecca Mingo      3:54:31

    Who now wear their Gizzly "Survivor" T-Shirts with pride!

    Julian makes it home

    Special congratulations go to Becky Mingo, who was the second athlete home for Tavistock Athletics, with Hannah Colston taking third place for the Tavy Runners.  Dotty Allan was first home for the Bere Alston Trekkers with Julian and Derek following along.

    Shower for a bear?

    Monday 7 March 2011

    Bideford Half Marathon (Sunday 6 March)

    So, today was Team Grizzly's last Sunday training run before the "main event".  Five of the bears, (Dotty, Rebecca, Hannah, John and Julian) caught up with the "smell of competition" by taking part in the Bideford Half Marathon.

    Some fantastic times for the distance were recorded, with personal bests being acheived!

    Two special messages of congratulation need to go to:

    Rebecca - 1hr 32min 57secs - winning trophies for a category place and member of the fastest female team to be placed.

    Dotty - 1hr 41min 25 secs - broke the Bere Alston Trekkers Club ladies' record by four minutes, achieving a simultaneous personal best!

    This time next week?