Monday 31 January 2011

Tavy 7 Sunday (30 January 2011)

Freezing temperatures saw Team Grizzly join ing other runners for their Sunday long run.  Alongside people training for Marathons and half-marathons, the Grizzly Bears completed a timed run around the route of the "Tavy 7".  Some runners managed personal best times for the course.

Link to the Tavy 7 website

As ever though, for Team Grizzly Bears, there was a sting in the tail.  All completed an extra 3 miles on top of their timed "race" to take their Sunday training run up to 10 miles.

Photographs to follow soon.

Friday 28 January 2011

Sponsorship coming in!

A big thank you to all of you who've sponsored us so far.  With six weeks to go, we can see our fundraising total increasing!  (Please use the link to Virgin Money Giving to see how we're progressing)

Thank you again

The Grizzly Bears

16 mile Friday

With six weeks to go, two Grizzly Bears were out today completing sixteen miles in just under two and a half hours.  Four miles on the Princetown Railway, followed by a further twelve around Burrator Reservoir.  The training must be paying off as both averaged nine minute miling!

18 Coastal Miles - Polzeath to Port Isaac and Back! (23 January 2011)

Team Grizzly at Pentire Head
This week's long run was planned to extend the team's distance over a tougher course.  Starting at Polzeath, in North Cornwall, we ran the 9 miles along the Cornish Coast Path via Port Quin to Port Isaac.  The route was far from easy, starting and finishing at sea level.  The pathway meanders around the headlands and bays, rising and falling, presenting challenging climbs of between 250 and 300 feet.

Returning to Polzeath after about four hours, we ran the last quarter of a mile across the beach.  Finishing at the beach cafe, hot tea and chips refuelled us for the trip home! 

Path from Port Quin to Port Isaac

Julian about to climb the staps to Scarnor Point

Sunday Run - Sourton to Okehampton Camp and back (16 January 2010)

Today's run took Team Grizzly along the disued railway line from Sourton, across Meldon Viaduct, then up the hill to Okehampton Camp.  Once the climb to the Camp was completed, the team continued out along the camp ring road, past Sand Pits.  Returning via New Bridge and the glorious run down the hill back to the railway line.  Finishing at Sourton, the team had covered sixteen miles.   

Sunday 9 January 2011

16 Mile Sunday

Today's "Sunday Run", saw Team Grizzly Bears complete 16 moorland miles and has to be toughest run we have done so far this winter!

With a 3 mile climb at the start which included negotiating rocks and stones, all of which were slippery with ice, this run was never going to be easy.  However, off we went and under blue skies and sunshine the runners did brilliantly.  Lifting their knees through the long grass, running through bogs and fords, climbing up and down rocks, some tripping and falling but all running the 16 miles in great times.

Team Grizzly at Cramber Tor
Team Grizzly at Sheeps Tor
The route took us from Norsworthy Bridge at the eastern end of Burrator Reservoir,  via Raddick Lane, Cramber Tor , Eylesbarrow, Drizzlecombe Stone Rows and Ditsworthy Warren to the top of Sheeps Tor.  We returned to Norsworthy taking in Sheepstor Village, Burrator Wood, Meavy Village, Lowery Cross and Leather Tor Bridge.  Top marks go to Martyn for leading the team through the deep freezing waters of  Meavy ford.  
Ice Water at Norsworthy

Finishing, back at Norsworthy, Vicki took the initiative, leading us back into the river for a refreshing dip before returning home with a license to eat!

Total distance - 16 miles. Total climb of 2000 feet.

Monday 3 January 2011

Grizzly Runners on the Tavy 13 (2 January 2011)

The first Sunday training run of the year saw Team Grizzly runners out on the Tavy 13 half-marathon course.  With a total climb of over 1200 feet, the route presents some challenging hill climbs.  For many of the team, whose training was hampered by the snow and ice, this was the first long run for nearly three weeks. 

New Year's Day Muddy Running at Brown Willy (1 January 2011)

First run of the year for Team Grizzly, was the "Brown Willy Run".  Six and a bit miles of Bodmin Moor, Jamaica Inn  to Brown Willy and back.  Lots of mud and a good climb to Cornwalls highest point.